Why are we building Alfprotocol?

The core principles of the idea


Last Update منذ عامين

Why are we building Alfprotocol? 

The whole managing team of Alfprotocol is very excited and passionated to create this project. We have our own specific reasons on why we decided to gather the team and start developing this protocol. 

The most important reasons are the following: 

- We are DeFi investors ourselves and we are passionate about DeFi future. 

- After investing in multiple DeFi protocols we found quite a few "issues" from the user perspective, so we have a clear plan in mind on how we can build better. 

- We love sharing the experience and knowledge, that is why a lot of focus goes into providing educational material.

- Most DeFi protocol seems to hide their backgrounds and teams which brings a lot of trust issues. Here at Alfprotocol we're as transparent as possible with our team and development as we do BELIEVE in the project and the future of DeFi protocols. 

- We love Solana ecosystem and Solana is making and we're quite early in the Solana ecosystem which means that we can lock a pretty good spot within the ecosystem. 

We are happy to have you onboard for this incredible journey of building the future of DeFi on Solana. 

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